Monday, November 7, 2011


Everyone who blogs about getting published seems to agree on something: you should have a blog.  A Twitter.  This isn't that hard for me because I have Thoughts and I like to write.  Getting people to care about your blog is harder, but it's impossible for people to care about a blog that doesn't even exist.  

Mostly.  I'm sure I'm not the only person who would do unspeakable things if it would convince J.K. Rowling to blog.

This isn't just a platform for self-promotion.  Or, at least, I don't want it to be.  I hope to share thoughts on writing and the publishing industry and all the rewarding joys (and utter nonsense) involved.  I will try to make these thoughts as illuminating and interesting as possible.  Feel free to tell me if I'm boring, though.  

As a relatively young person (five weeks shy of twenty-three!), I have a lot to learn, and... why not learn with me?  Because these are issues that matter to me, I will also (occasionally) be writing about YA from a feminist perspective.  

As for what I write, it seems a bit foolish to talk too much about specifics on my blog before I've even started querying, but my current WIP is young adult historical fantasy set in 1922.  It is set in jazz age England.  I have been doing the actual writing since June of this year, but I began brainstorming in September of 2010.  I may reveal more as I go on.  In my wildest dreams, you will be able to read it in a year or two.  But then, I realize that I'm naked in my author photo and have to try and cover myself with the words of my author bio, which kind of ruins the whole effect.